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Title: Emco Regulators
Author: C. C. Abbott
Source: 1939 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1939
Abstract: While recorded history and the storehouses of experience can be used only as foundations upon which to build our present and future progress, it is highly fascinating, as well as inspiring, to sometimes delve into the archives in search of the landmarks which stand a monuments to the advancement of our own specialized field of activity. By comparison, we find relief from the complicated and perplexing problems whlch confront us in our current endeavors. Picture the developments from the time when, ln 1792, Murdoch, in lighting his home, demonstrated the first use of gas manufactured from coal when, in 1816, skeptical visitors to Mr. Peales museum in the town of Baltimore viewed with wonder the new illumination from gas without oil, tallow, wick, or smoke when the first gas mains were laid in 1806 when our forefathers were amazed by the first use of natural gas at Fredonia, New York, in 1825 when wooden mains were being used extensively in 1850 and so on through the years to 1872 when a 24-inch high-pressure natural gas line of cast iron pipe, depending on well pressures alone, was completed from the Newton well to Titusville, Pennsylvania. It has ever been a struggle for better methods and materials which could bring to us the multitude of necessities and comforts of life supplied by energy in the form of gas.

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