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Title: Measurement Provisions Of Gas Contracts
Author: Louis A. Fritz
Source: 1969 Gulf Coast Measurement Short Course (Now called ASGMT)
Year Published: 1969
Abstract: Contracts for the sale or purchase, which ever the case might be, of natural gas is customarily a highly complicated instrument varying in length from several to fifty pages or even longer, the average contract length being from thirty to forty pages. Even in a relatively insignificant transaction, the sale or purchase of millions of dollars worth of gas will be controlled by terras of the contract, This article will deal with the Measurement Provisions of Gas Contracts only. Detailed provisions concerning the measurement of gas are generally part of each contract. Such provisions as Unit of Measurement, Standards for Measurement, Method of Measurement, Testing, Calibration of Equipment and Adjustments for Inaccuracies will normally appear in every gas contract.

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