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Title: Design For Noise Abatement
Author: Gilbert Holmstoen
Source: American Gas Association 1978
Year Published: 1978
Abstract: First, 1 would like to advise all of you that I am not an authority on noise or noise abatement. This presentation is based on a report by the task group on Design For Noise Abatement from the Distribution Design and Development Committee. It is primarily intended as a review of equipment, materials, and techniques available to the designer of noise abatement in a gas distribution facility. We will look briefly at: 1. The Characteristics of Noise 2. Extent of the Noise Problem 3. Sound Level Determination 4. Control Measures 1 think we are all aware that sound which is music to some ears is noise to others. In other words, the old definition of noise being unwanted sound is still valid. Sound is produced when vibrating bodies transfer acoustic energy to the air as pressure variations which in turn are translated to sound by our hearing mechanism.

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