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Title: Natural Gas Vehicles- Passing Fancy Or Genuine Growth Market?
Author: Thomas L. Moskitis
Source: American Gas Association 1983
Year Published: 1983
Abstract: Natural gas vehicles have been in use in our country for well over a decade, in other countries for several decades. The technical details of the application of natural gas as a motor fuel have been well documented in the trade literature and have been the subject of many presentations at previous conferences and seminars. This paper will attempt to provide an overall analysis of the current market for natural gas vehicles and to provide some insight into the Associations plans and thinking to develop the transportation market for natural gas. No attempt will be made to predict the numbers of vehicles operating on natural gas in the future, nor will there be any forecasts made of industry sales volumes in this market. However, gas sales in the neighborhood of several hundred Bcf to one Tcf or more are generally found to be possible in the transportation market beyond the year 2000.

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