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Title: Stealing Gas A Growing Problem
Author: Raymond G. Fcremer
Source: 1980 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1980
Abstract: Is stealing gas or in fact all forms of energy an increasing or perhaps even more accurately, a national problem? You can quickly draw your own conclusions by simply reading the nev/spapers, Cleveland Ohio newspapers reported a loss of 3.2 million dollars by the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. and put the East Ohio Gas Companys loss at 10 of its net profit. Similarly Chicago Illinois papers noted E 7 million dollar loss for Commonwealth Edison, with the Peoples Gas Light and Coke Co. sJid Northern Illinois Gas Co. indicated as jointly having a loss of similar magnitude. The Miami Herald has reported on similar problems experienced by Florida Power and Light. New Orleans Public Service, Public Service Electric and Gas (New Jersey), Long Island Lighting, Con Ed, and my own company Brooklyn Union Gas are among the names on a long list of companies that have experienced significant meter tampering problems.

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