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Title: Bristol Recording And Controlling Instruments And Their Application To Gas Measurement And Regulation
Author: Perry A. Borden
Source: 1939 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1939
Abstract: Automatic control of pressure and flow values in the distribution of gas involves not only the problem of maintaining a predetermined value, but often that of varying the value over a considerable range through different hours of the day and of compensating not only for normal variations in the temperature and pressure of the gas itself, but of meeting sudden demands engendered by extreme weather conditions. The normal control of gas pressures, particularly as derived from high-pressure transmission mains, or from natural gas systems, is effectively taken care of by automatic regulators with which most gas men are inherently familiar. As detailed descriptions of such devices are available from those who have long manufactured and used them, no attempt will here be made to duplicate this information.

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