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Title: Introduction To Gas Metering
Author: Jeff Webb
Source: 2005 Western Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 2005
Abstract: It is crucial for a gas company to have properly designed metering stations at every receipt and delivery point. Without them, it would be impossible to know how much gas is being taken into your system, how much each customer is using, and how much is being lost. These meters allow the gas company to track receipts, forecast loads, and bill customers for the gas sold. Unlike electricity that incurs losses as it travels through conductors, gas networks are designed to be closed systems. So what goes in, must come out with the obvious exceptions of leaks and relief valves. This paper will introduce the two categories and five common types of cash registers most often used in the gas industry today. The two categories of meters are Positive Displacement and Inferential, and the five types are Diaphragm, Rotary, Orifice Plate, Turbine, and Ultrasonic. Positive Displacement Inferential Diaphragm Orifice Plate Rotary Turbine Ultrasonic Positive displacement meters have precisely designed chambers that allow a defined amount of gas to pass through them. The gas measurement is based upon how many times the chamber is filled and emptied. Inferential meters have no chambers or compartments to fill and empty. Instead, the flow rate is based on the measurement of a physical characteristic.

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