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Title: The Humidity Effect On Air Flow-Rates In A Critical Flow Venturi Nozzle
Author: J.M. Lim, B.H. Yoon, Y.K. Oh, Kyung-Am. Park
Source: 2009 International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement
Year Published: 2009
Abstract: Critical Flow Venturi Nozzle (CFVN) is usually calibrated with dry air. But CFVNs in the industry and calibration service centers are used to measure flow-rates of humid air. ISO 9300 suggests the calculation method of humidity effect from dry air discharge coefficient of CFVN. Thus it is important to confirm and check ISO calculation method of humidity effect on the CFVN and isentropic analysis. A CFVN (with the throat diameter 0.8 mm) was calibrated with dry air (with the dew point -40 C) in a primary air flow standard system, mercury sealed piston prover, of KRISS. A portable dry piston prover was used as a reference meter and also calibrated in the primary standard system with dry air. The repeatability of this dry piston prover was confirmed with the deviation less than 0.05 %. The CFVN was tested with this dry piston prover using humid air. For high humid air, the humidity effect on the CFVN was quite different among this experimental results, ISO and isentropic analysis. But for low humid air, the difference was small.

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