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Title: A Novel Ultrasonic Flowmeter For LNG With Fiscal Accuracy
Author: Jankees Hogendoorn, Andre Boer
Source: Flomeko 2007
Year Published: 2007
Abstract: As recent development in the oil & gas market, an increase in the demand for fiscal measurement of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) at cryogenic conditions is observed. For more than ten years now, Ultrasonic flowmeters for fiscal measurement of liquid hydrocarbons have been applied successfully 1,2. In the past years, much experience has been gained and ultrasonic flowmeters can be considered as proven technology in this field 3. But beside successful applications at normal operating conditions, the ultrasonic measurement principle in itself is very suited for high accuracy flow measurement at cryogenic conditions as well. However, the development, construction and calibration of an ultrasonic flowmeter for fiscal measurement of LNG is not trivial. In this paper the development of an Ultrasonic flowmeter for the fiscal measurement of LNG shall be presented. This shall be done by addressing the following items: Transducer design Flowmeter design Calibration Concept Tests on liquefied Nitrogen Results This paper finishes with some conclusions and the discussion which steps to be taken in the next future.

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