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Title: Rapid And Accurate Enr Calibration Of Production Noise Sources
Author: Gratz L. Armstrong
Source: 1984 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 1984
Abstract: With the demand for lower noise figures in all types of communication systems and components comes a demand for more accurate noise measurements. Essential to all noise measurements is the e:cess noise generator or simply the noise source. The noise source generates a known amount of noise which is specified by its excess noise ratio (ENR). The accuracy to which the ENR is known is one of the most important aspects of a noise measurement, since any uncertainty in the specification of the ENR results in the same uncertainty in a noise measurement. In some cases this uncertainty is the largest uncertainty in the noise measurement. In an effort to improve the ENR specification accuracy, Hewlett Packard has developed a computer based system to measure and calibrate the excess noise ratio of production noise sources.

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