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Title: Use Of Natural Gas For Mobile Equipment
Author: J. L. Oberseider
Source: American Gas Association 1970
Year Published: 1970
Abstract: Someone has said that ihe gas industry may not have the best and final answer to the driving publics needs but it is a truism that there is no better time to sell a new idea than when the buyer is ready for a change. The government and the public want a change and are willing to listen to any reasonable offer. The use of compressed natural gas as an automotive fuel is not new. And let me here define merchantable natural gas as a misture of naturally occurring saturated hydrocarbons, principally methane, and acceptable traces of certain impurities. Compressed natural gas has been used in Italy since after World War I. But the reason for its use in Italy was its relatively low cost and associated low taxes. This is different from our prime target for today-the mitigation of atmospheric pollutants.

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