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Title: Prevention Of Freezing In Measuring And Regulating Equipment-A Panel Discussion
Author: Chester B. Keagy, K. E. Burnham, J. J. Mccart
Source: 1964 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1964
Abstract: The cause or process of freezing in hydrocarbon gases must be understood in order to bring about the prevention. Snow-like, complex, crystalline solids called hydrates are formed when hydrocarbon gas, usually methane, ethane, or propane, combines with water vapor under certain conditions of temperature and pressure. The hydrates form and build up very rapidly when physical conditions are just right. The rapid process starts like a chain reaction at the moment the first water-hydrocarbon crystal forms. The formation is encouraged by disturbance, such as turbulence and erratic velocities, in the smooth flow of the gas.

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