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Title: Meeting the Challenges of CO2 Measurement with a new kind of Orifice Meter
Author: Phil Stockton, Allan Wilson, Richard Steven
Source: 2021 North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop
Year Published: 2021
Abstract: The flow measurement of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) rich streams, such has high CO2 concentration natural gas and CO2 mixes and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) processes, presents a number of potential challenges. One of these challenges concerns the physical properties of CO2. For example, its compressibility exhibits significant non-ideal behaviour, notably at pressures and temperatures likely to be encountered in CCS processes. Additionally, through a process called molecular thermal relaxation the molecular structure of CO2 has the ability to attenuate ultrasonic meter acoustic signals. Furthermore, CO2 can undergo phase changes through the CCS processes ranging from single phase gas, liquid, dense phase to two-phase. Though the properties of CO2 can be reliably predicted by several equations of state, the common presence of impurities, (N2, H2, CH4, etc) can have a significant impact on these properties and therefore compromise uncertainty in the field.

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