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Title: Precautions To Insure Orifice Metering Accuracy
Author: A. J. Sahr, K. R. Lewis
Source: 1966 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1966
Abstract: The fundamental principles of orifice meters are over a century old. During the last 46 years measurement by the orifice meter has heen developed to be the simplest and most accurate device known for measurement of large volumes of gas The modern orifice meter of today was used to develop the tables of coefficient factors used in computing gas volumes as shown in the American Gas Association, Gas Measurement Committee Report No, 3. The construction and installation specifications set forth in A.G.A. Report No. 3 must be followed to simplify computations and maintain accuracy. These coefficients and specifications are the conlrolling factors to ensure accuracy with orifice meters. Therefore, the primary element must he within the specifications found in A.G.A. Report No. 3. The allowable tolerances and specifications for the secondary elements will vary from company to company. The maximum tolerance usually permitted is . 5% for any one instrument. The tolerances we will discuss are those used in the Columbia Gas System and Transcontinental Gas Pipeline Corporation.

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