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Title: Determination And Application Of Supercompressibility Factors
Author: Bruce J. Caldwell
Source: 1956 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1956
Abstract: The volume of a definite mass of gas is not easily defined. Positive definition is often hampered by the effects of temperature and pressure and the limitations of accepted laws or gas behavior. One such law concerning the behavior of gases is known as Boyles law. The name of this law is derived from its author, Robert Boyle, an Irishman of note and the peer of all persons gainfully employed as Measurement Technician. The term supercompressibility is used within the gas industry to explain the phenomoenon of gas behavior under pressure and the departure from Boyles Law. A supercompressibility factor is one of the mathematical tools used to determine the altered volume of a gas when the pressure exerted upon the mass is changed.

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