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Author: Jason Rine
Source: 2019 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 2019
Abstract: The purpose of this class is to provide a basic overview of proper sampling procedures that should be followed for any natural gas/natural gas liquid sample taken. Additionally, this class offers a more detailed review of proper sample collection per GPA 2174-14. Lastly an overview of basic analytical guidelines is discussed. COLLECTING PROPER SAMPLES For any sample to be collected the following questions should be asked before and during collection to make sure that a quality sample is collected. Analytical Parameters - The answer to this question drives the rest of the decisions that are made during the sampling. For example, if the sample to be collected is for the analysis of Sulfur Compounds then passivated sample bottles and collection equipment must be used to collect a representative sample, or if a NGL sample is to be collected the sampler can gather the correct sampling ttings to purge and collect a pressurized liquid sample.

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