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Title: Implementation Of Pipe Corrosion Management System-PIPER
Author: W. Riggs, E. Meronyk, A. Kumar
Source: American Gas Association 1984
Year Published: 1984
Abstract: Optimization of underground pipe maintenance decisions requires an accurate inventory of existing piping systems, accurate records of maintenance history, a knowledge of the current corrosion status of the pipe, a reliable prediction of future pipe condition, and economic analysis of repair or replace options. PIPER has been developed by the US. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (USA-CERL) to meet the above requirements and is being implemented at several military installations. Improvements to the system have been made based upon field surveys and user inputs. The improvements include: Inclusion of a graphics package to accurately portray piping systems Use of microcomputer Modified predictive equations Computerized pipe management system (PIPER) is a valuable tool in the decision-making process of underground pipe management.

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