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Title: Gravitometer
Author: H. P. Goodenough
Source: 1936 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1936
Abstract: The gravitometer is an instrument designed to give a continuous record Of the specific gravity of gas. The necessity for using a specific gravity recorder arises because of the change in the gravity of gas flowing in a pipe line during a short period of time. The change of gravity could be caused by mixing gases from different fields, by mixing natural gas with artificial gas, or by mixing refinery gases with other gases of lower gravity. The effect of the specific gravity on the measurement of the gas through an orifice meter is talien into account when calculating the coefficient. To determine the importance of the gravity in this connection, consider the correction factors for different gravities. For example, when using a gravity base of .60, the correction factor lor a specific gravity of .59 is 1.0084 and the correction factor for a specific gravity of .61 is .9918. From these two correction factors it is indicated that a difference of .01 in the specific gravity of the gas will malie a difference in delivery of almost one per cent,

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