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Title: New Ideas In Gas Measurement And Regulations
Author: Merle A. Porter
Source: 1975 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1975
Abstract: Today we hear more and more that we are experiencing an energy shortage and it is rapidly becoming more evident in the natural gas industry. Everyone is looking for ways and means of preventing as much gas loss as possible, although there are times when it becomes necessary to dissipate this important fuel into the atmosphere. Transmission, production, and distribution systems alike require repairs, replacements, and expansion. It is sometimes necessary to blow these systems down to atmosphere from high pressures as well as low pressures. After completion of the work, purging or removal of all air from any line is necessary before placing the line or lines back into service. Frequently purges are made at too high a pressure and possibly for a longer period of time than is necessary. The old method of looking for color or change of temperature for the determination of the presence of air, or air-gas mixture as well, is also wasteful and not reliable. A portable recording gravitometer that measures the gravity of gas has been successfully used to record the presence of air or gas and is a most useful tool in preventing unnecessary gas loss during gas line repairs. A 1.0 reading will show on the recording gravitometer as long as air is being allowed to enter the instrument. As soon as gas reaches the instrument, the pen will record the actual gravity of the gas and, as long as there is no change in the gravity, the pen will record a straight line on the chart

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