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Title: Well Testing - An Evaluation Of Test Separators And Multiphase Flow Meters
Author: Amy Ross Gordon Stobie
Source: 2010 North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop
Year Published: 2010
Abstract: National and International Oil and Gas Companies and Government Regulators all have an interest in managing their, or their countries assets in the most expedient manner possible. The assets are the oil and gas reserves in the ground. Management of these reserves is generally carried out by Production and Reservoir Engineers though the use of Well Testing. To date the gold standard for well testing has been the test separator. Whilst many Regulators mandate the frequency of well testing (and in the UK North Sea sector this is generally every 30 days) there is little in the Regulations about the expected flow measurement uncertainties required. This paper will review the test separators used and the 30 day timing and highlight what this can mean under real world conditions and take a jaundiced look at the expected measurement uncertainties which might be achieved in the field

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