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Title: Program For Training A Measurement Technician
Author: Allen N. Chandler
Source: 2008 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2008
Abstract: The need for quality measurement has increased dramatically in the past several years. Deregulation of market pricing structures, open access markets, increased exploration and drilling costs, fierce competition, and new regulatory requirements have all influenced todays approach to quality measurement methodologies. In fact, the terminology has evolved from gas volume measurement to total energy measurement. Today not only is the volume of gas a consideration, but also the quantity of energy the gas produces. Our industry has transitioned from the MMCF to the MMBTU for gas measurement. As technology has advanced, there has been a greater sense of urgency for employee training. The open-access market, which moves greater quantities of natural gas volumes with considerably lower profit margins, became a reality in the mid- to late-eighties. Measuring stations at transportation connects required a degree of accuracy that necessitated measurement personnel skilled in new technology.

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