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Title: Outlier-Resistant Fitting Of Gray-Scale Images Illustrated By Optical Fiber Geometry
Author: Dominic Vecchia, Chill-Ming Wang, Matt Young
Source: 1993 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 1993
Abstract: Using the measurement of geometric parameters of optical fiber ends as an example, we discuss a curve-fitting technique, called least median of squares (LMS), that is highly resistant to the influence of outlying data points. The LMS method is a form of robust regression that can resist the effect of nearly 50% contaminated data. W C fit ellipses to the digitized gray-scale images of each of two fiber ends by LMS and by ordinary leastsum- of-squares regression. The two methods yield nearly identical results on a pristine fiber end, but the LMS method is far superior on a damaged fiber end, even though we make no effort to identify spurious data points explicitly.

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