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Title: New LNG Applications
Author: Joseph Seliber
Source: American Gas Association 1970
Year Published: 1970
Abstract: There are three primary reasons why we dont have significant progress in new LNG applications. These are the high cost of LNG produced by small (1-5 million cf/day) plants, the lack of wide distribution of LNG, and the high cost of portable LNG fuel containers. These difficulties point to the need for inexpensive on-site liquefiers, which will facilitate pilot marketing for new LNG applications. Additionally, there are specific development needs for the LNGfueled, turbocharged, spark-ignition truck engine and the off-the-road LNG-fueled gas turbine. LNG-fueled truck refrigeration systems seem closest to commercial feasibility if LNG supply can be extended. A tentative solution for the low-cost small liquefier is the liquid-nitrogen-powered LNG liquefier. The key is obtaining low-cost liquid nitrogen from existing air separation plants at limes when these plants are operating at less than full capacity.

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