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Title: The Subsea Multiphase Meter - Meeting Operator Design Requirements
Author: Ottar Vikingstad And Karl Herman Frantzen
Source: 2008 South East Asia Flow Measurement Conference
Year Published: 2008
Abstract: More than a decade after the first multiphase meters were installed on the seabed, subsea multiphase metering is finally gathering full momentum. No major subsea fields are being developed today without multiphase meters being employed in some way or another. Along with the maturing of the market, the technology behind the subsea multiphase meters has also matured. This paper discusses how the Roxar subsea Multiphase meter has developed from the early years, while building on experience and adapting to industry standards and client requirements. Roxar started to supply topside multiphase meters on a commercial basis in 1994. The company was then known as Multi-Fluid or MFI (Multi-Fluid International), and the meter - based on microwave technology - was known as the MFI MultiPhase Meter. The first subsea multiphase meters were supplied in 1996. These meters - based on the same technology as the topside meters - are referred to as the first generation meters in this paper. The big breakthrough for subsea multiphase meters came in November 1996, when Roxar received a milestone order for a total of 30 subsea multiphase meters for a major North Sea field development. At the time of this order, very few subsea multiphase meters had actually been submerged and put into operation. Had it not been for the pioneers who decided to equip every well with a subsea multiphase meter back then when this was still a very immature technology, subsea multiphase metering would not likely have advanced as quickly to the level it has today.

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