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Author: John W. Brackett
Source: 2018 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2018
Abstract: Forty years ago, Americans were entranced with a song that seemed to sum up the hopes and fears of the nations citizens. The lyrics carry the un-dying truth that the times they are a-changing. Mr. Dylans words remind us that things come and go and are at the heart of the debate regarding Manual Gauging versus Metering. The source of this change stems from the need to limit or eliminate the release of toxins and other noxious gasses into the air from lease tanks. The debate must now focus on this new trend and find a method to enable crude gathering in a manner that is cost effective and workable for the producer and the buyer. New methods spurred by new technologies in the production of oil have enabled a renaissance in American energy production and thus have re-opened old wells and created new production sites closer to our nations ever expanding metros. While this is in no way bad for the industry, it does draw attention to the need to reform our gathering methods in a manner that is more suited to a sensitive modern society. Yet, as this society becomes more advanced, so too will its ability to interact with the systems that control our industrys automated functions. The times have brought on a need to address all aspects of oil production that affect health, safety, and the environment. These issues are already spurring action. A high-ranking executive in the industry recently stated, The HSE (Health Safety & Environment) issuesare (and will) precluding operators from allowing truck drivers to open storage tank hatches to perform custody transfers measurements (including temperatures) & sampling due to H2S (a safety concern) and to reduce emissions (an environmental concern) in general.

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