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Title: Dimensional Characterization Of Small Bores A Survey
Author: J. Raja
Source: 1990 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 1990
Abstract: Historically, the measurement of external diameters has always been easier than the measurement of internal diameters. Even for large dimensions this has been the case, as traditional micrometers or measuring instruments are more readily designed for making external measurements. Although many devices have been conceived for the measurement of internal cylinders, ranging from interferometry to other more esoteric methods, the most accurate is still a mechanical comparison between the internal bore and a reference dimension usually obtained from an end standard. This method, based on stylus contact, is not suitable for very small bores. There is an increasing need for accurate measurement of small bores with diameters varying from 0.010 to 2 millimeters. A much more difficult problem is when these bores have large length to diameter (L/D) ratios. This paper presents a survey of available techniques and the achievable accuracy of different methods. The paper also summarizes results from a study of probe requirements for small bore measurement using coordinate measuring machines (CMMs).

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