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Title: Electronic Flow Measurement For Custody Transfer
Author: James m. Minich
Source: American Gas Association 1984
Year Published: 1984
Abstract: As the price of gas has risen substantially from the 20o/Mcf levels of days gone by, companies are painstakingly measuring the flow in order to bill their customers accurately -and charge Ihem not only on quantify but also on the gas quality or heating content. In the last few years, pipeline firms have begun to look at electronic flow measurement systems to replace the time-honored chart recorders. The electronic process of collecting data inputs and performing the calculations in determining the flow of natural gas has been engineered by Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America, a subsidiary of MIDCON Corp. The Control Department has used minicomputer- based control systems since the laie 1960s in the area of automation and communications along its 12,750 miles of pipeline. As equipment is retired, il is replaced with new state-of-the-art electronic equipment. Much of this ground work helped to develop an electronic flow measurement system for natural gas.

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