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Title: Comparisons Between Horizontally Installed Standard And Non-Standard Flange Tapped Orifice Plate Meter Wet Gas Flow Responses
Author: Richard Steven, Charlie Britton, Joshua Kinney
Source: Flomeko 2007
Year Published: 2007
Abstract: Wet gas flow metering is an important problem in many industries and due to economic necessity many wet gas flows are metered by single phase gas differential pressure (DP) flow meters. A common DP meter design is the orifice plate meter and it is therefore one of the most widely used meters with wet gas flows. The early orifice meter horizontal flow wet gas research is well documented but in the last decade Venturi and cone type DP meters have been favoured as orifice plates were assumed to dam the liquid phase and therefore give relatively unstable DP readings. However, recent data analysis 1,2 suggests that standard orifice meter wet gas flow readings are not significantly affected by liquid build up and the readings are stable and correctable. Even so, it has been suggested by some engineers that liquid hold up by a plate could still potentially be a problem at low pressure and low gas flow rates.

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