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Title: In-Service Performance Of Temperature Compensated Diaphragm Gas Meters
Author: I. Pallas
Source: 1966 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1966
Abstract: It can he safely said that temperature compensation of diaphragm gas meters was born out of a sincere desire on the part of measurement engineers to provide a simple device which would insure accurate measurement of gas under almost any combination of temperature variations. Prior to the advent and availability of large quantities of natural gas. the positive displacement diaphragm gas meter was expected to measure any manufactured gas mixture that was put through it and to do this with an acceptable degree of accuracy. It is a historical fact that within the framework of some obvious limitations this meter did (and does today) a thoroughly good measurement job, and, at least in the early part of the century, could hold its own with almost any other mass measurement device then in use.

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