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Title: A Total System Approach To Automating Gas Distribution
Author: William F. Rush, Jr., James E. Huebler, Christopher J. Ziolkowski
Source: American Gas Association 1986
Year Published: 1986
Abstract: IGT is investigating the forces that guide the evolution of auiomaied gas disiribution systems. A typical approach is io automate portions of ihe system that are initially viewed as separate. As a utility seeks more integrated control over its operations, it begins to build bridges beiween the islands of automation that have evolved. Costs and inefficiencies arise because of the incompatibility of system components that were not originally intended to operate together. In addition, utilities have begun to recognize and to exploit a nutnber of efficiencies and synergies that exist between hardware components. These arguments suggest that future automated systems will evolve to be more fully integrated than those now being eonsirucied. We anticipate that, at the completion of the transition period to automated systems, they will be characterized by (1) a total integrated system design, (2) compatibility among components, (3) modular design that accommodates the diversity of individual utility requirements, (4) distributed intelligence, and (5 provision for future technological expansion.

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