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Title: Two-Pound Gas Piping Systems
Author: Barney E. Champion
Source: American Gas Association 1984
Year Published: 1984
Abstract: Almost since the beginning, the gas industry has been using six inches water column or onequarter pound per square inch gauge pressures in piping residential and mullifamily dwellings. Appliances were built which operated at this pressure, and generally, a minimum threequarter inch pipe was used to deliver this pressure. In 1961, the two-pound piping concept was first investigated. We at Alabama Gas began experimenting with two-pound systems in the mid and late 1960s. Basically, a two-pound system consists of gas metered at two pounds per square inch gauge, with smaller diameter tubing used for internal household piping. At or near the appliances, gas pressure is reduced to six inches water column by a regulator. We have found several advantages in using a two-pound system. Two-pound systems offer reduced installation costs, opportunities in new markets, and improved safety.

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