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Title: Monitoring Cathodic Protection By Aircraft
Author: John Gutierrez, D. L. Love
Source: American Gas Association 1978
Year Published: 1978
Abstract: Houston Pipe Line Company has presently in operation 164 rectifier monitors that are read by the patrol pilot as he passes over the rectifier, and one pipe to soil potential monitor that is read in a like manner. The first rectifier aerial monitor was installed by this company five years ago on an experimental basis and within six months proved to be such a worthy tool that ten more were installed at critical locations. When the companys 36 pipeline was installed from Katy, Texas, to Pecos, Texas, a few months later, the monitors were unquestionably a part of the Original cathodic protection installation. Since then, the other monitors have been added as the need for them arises. The solar powered pipe to soil potential monitor, a modification of the rectifier monitor is designed to be installed at critical locations on pipelines where no power is available. This monitor was installed a little over a year ago on an experimental basis and is still being scrutinized diligently. It is proving itself as useful a tool as the rectifier monitor.

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