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Title: The Real Inside Approach To Cast Iron Joint Sealing
Author: Eric L. Osterberg
Source: American Gas Association 1980
Year Published: 1980
Abstract: Brooklyn Union has approximately 2400 miles of both low pressure and high pressure (15 psi) cast iron (CI) mains that have been in service for an average of 55 years. We have experienced almosi no graphitizalion or other CI deterioration problems. Our continuous pipe coupon monitoring program has verified thai our cast iron system has an almost unlimiled future life. Historically, bell and spigot joint leakage is caused by the drying out of the jute in the joints through contact with the relatively dry natural gas reaching the juie as a result of pipe movement, vibration, or settlement. Joints are a continuous maintenance problem lor a utility such as ours. Starting in the early 1950s, we resorted to traditional external joint clamping techniques to eliminate this problem and are presently in.stalling approximately 15,000 join! seals a year.

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