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Title: Basic Electronics For The Field Technician
Author: Louis A. Johnson
Source: 1988 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1988
Abstract: It has been practical for sometime to use electronic systems to duplicate the control effects that can be produced pneumatics. The refinement of solid state electronics has given a decided economic advantage to the electronic systems over the pneumatic. Now the Integrated Circuit (IC) has increased the electronic advantage with a combination of lower cost and higher reliability. Additionally, the electronics has the advantage of almost instant transmission of signals to remote locations, and the data is easily adapted to a variety of microprocessor based monitoring and control systems. The instrument technician needs to have an understanding of electricity and electronics to maintain and operate the instrumentation properly. The complete theory of electronics is far beyond the scope of this paper and will not be attempted. The basic theory used in this paper is only to the depth to explain the general concepts.

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