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Title: Gri Program On Management Of Manufactured-Gas Sites
Author: David G. Linz, Eugene E. Berkau
Source: American Gas Association 1986
Year Published: 1986
Abstract: The current situation with former manufactured- gas sites on a broad basis is not well defined in terms of the sites themselves, the nature and extent of residuals, vague or non-existent regulations, and legal liability for the sites. Technical approaches for characterizing sites and, if necessary, implementing remedial actions have not been established or demonstrated to any great degree for these sites. There is therefore a significant opportunity for research to improve technologies and reduce costs for the industry. GRI, with the guidance and assistance of an industry task force, has initiated a program to develop tools to help in the management of former manufactured gas sites. The program addresses three key technical areas: (1) sampling and analysis protocols for site characterization, (2) risk management decision making, and (3) mitigation trealment and cleanup technologies. Research and development activities will continue through field testing of applicable technologies at actual sites.

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