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Title: .A.C.T. Unit Proving - Th E Role Of The Witness Class
Author: C. Bynum Vincent
Source: 2014 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2014
Abstract: Liquid hydrocarbons removed from the grou nd must get to mark et via one of two ways. They are transported via pipeline or tanker truck from production facilities to pipeline systems, which transport the pr oduct to the refinery for processing. Once processed, the liquids are once again sent via tanker truck or pipeline to the distribution points downs tream. Whether these fluids are purchased or consigned to common carriers, there is transaction call ed a custody transfer conducted to transfer ownership of the prod uct for transportation or distribution. In each of these instances, a represent ative from each party involved in the custody transfer transaction is generally present to observe or witness the events of each transaction.

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