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Title: Energy Measurehent Utilizing On Line Chromatograph
Author: Arthur F. Haas
Source: 1980 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1980
Abstract: The use of gas chromatographs for determination of the energy in natural gas is certainly not new. The laboratory chromatograph has been utilized for this purpose for many years quite successfully. The important difference in the system described in this paper is that the chromatograph is truly on line that is, it is located in the field at the sample tap and repeatedly samples directly from the line automatically. Previously, samples were taken in bombs and transported to the laboratory where a compositional analysis was run. It is now possible to take a sample from a flowing line, determine the composition and flow rate, compute the total energy and transmit the finished data to a remote location. This paper will concern itself with the system ENCAL II which is specifically designed as a total energy measurement syste

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