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Title: Application Of Flow Computers For Gas Measurement And Control
Author: Fred Wenzel
Source: 1998 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1998
Abstract: This paper will focus on advanced applications of battery powered flow computers for gas measurement and control at oil and gas production, transmission and distribution measurement sites. What is a flow computer? The basic building blocks of any flow computer system is based in two main components, 1. The embedded microprocessor system (main electronics system) and, 2. The external support components. The flow computer is made up of a main electronics board which houses the microprocessor, memory (EPROM and FLASH, or RAM), an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC), charger/regulator/power supply system. UART(s) for remote and local communications. and display support circuitry. Connected to the main electronics board is auxiliary systems for battery power, external charger, external transducers for differential pressure, static pressure and temperature measurements, and a display (see figure 1).

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