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Title: Revised Uncertainty Of The NIST 30 Mhz Phase Shifter Measurement Service
Author: Jeffrey A. Jargon
Source: 1998 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 1998
Abstract: Although the measurement service for 30 MHz phase shifters has been in operation for many years at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), modifications have been made to the system and changes in and phase shift is a fundamental requirement policy on statements of uncertainty have occurred since the last published analysis. The linear displacement of the standard phase shifter is now measured with an are ultimately referenced to 30 MHz. electronic counter instead of a mechanical one, and a new comparison receiver has NIST can measure both incremental been installed in the system. Uncertainties of the system are due to the standard phase shifter, resolution of the comparison receiver, mismatch within the system, phase shift of the standard waveguide below-cutoff (WBCO) attenuator, and repeatability. The individual components are stated and combined to comply with the NIST policy on statements of uncertainty. The combined standard uncertainty is on the order of 0.28 per 30 increment.

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