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Title: The New ANSI/API 2530/A,G.A, Report No, 3- Part 2: Specifications And Installation Requirements
Author: Raymond G. Teyssandier
Source: American Gas Association 1990
Year Published: 1990
Abstract: This paper describes the process used to revise the new orifice standard and summarizes the changes made. The effort included inputs from over 30 individuals of almost as many member companies of API, A.G.A., GPA, from individual members of those organizations, and from equipment manufacturers. Most of this effort was concentrated over the past two years, but it represents an accumulation of over ten years of work starting from the initial test phase of the orifice coefficient program. The changes noted in this paper were correct as of mid- March 1990. They may not reflect all of the final changes and therefore this paper should be taken only as a preliminary guide.

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