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Title: Testing And Monitoring Sediment And Water In Crude Oil
Author: Jane Williams
Source: 1987 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1987
Abstract: The measurement of crude oil includes quantity and quality determinations. Sediment and water is considered a quality type of measurement although it also effects the quantity. The amount of sediment and water determined by test is deducted from the quantity of total fluid measured, resulting in the quantity of crude oil sold. For example, if a pipeline gager measured 100 barrels of crude with 2% BS&W (sediment and water) entrained, the pipeline received and would credit the producers account for 98 barrels of crude oil. This quantity is also utilized to determine the amount of royalties and taxes which should be paid by the producer. Consequently, both the producer and the purchaser have a vested interest in assuring that these measurements are performed consistently and accurately.

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