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Title: Preventive Maintenance For Unattended Medium Speed Engines
Author: W. A. Thorpe
Source: American Gas Association 1974
Year Published: 1974
Abstract: Most gas companies have already, or will have, many medium speed engines to mainlain. There are two big reasons for this (1) The cost of medium speed engines per horsepower is considerably lower, and (2) the medium speed units can be moved from location to location with a mimimum of cost and time. Ail companies will find it necessary, if they arent already doing so, to establish and maintain a good preventive maintenance program. The medium speed engines require a much closer maintenance than tlie slow speed engines tliat we all have been used to. In saying, this, I dont mean tliat tlie slow speed engine can be ignored, but on the medium speed unit timing, ignition, valve clearances, etc, have to be pretty much on the money, if we are to expect the performance they are capable of doing.

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