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Title: Fundamentals Of Gas Pressure Regulators
Author: F. R. Loring
Source: 1977 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1977
Abstract: Gas pressure regulators have long been of vital mportance to the gas industry. Pressure is essenial to utilization of gas: high pressure allows conomical transportation over long distances to istribution networks operating at reduced presures, and regulators on individual services enable ccurate measurement and proper combustion. The origin of the first gas pressure regulator is ncertain in England, Samuel Clegg build a goveror in the year 1807 for controlling pressure in he gas plant at Lancashire. In America, the first atents for gas regulators were granted in 1884 to yron Reynolds and Louis Fulton. These early odels had leather diaphragms, and were of the eight-and-lever type.

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