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Title: Task Oriented Training-A Handson Approach, Combined With Trainee Responsibility That Really Works
Author: m. G. Hoepfner
Source: American Gas Association 1986
Year Published: 1986
Abstract: Gas utilization equipment technology has advanced over the past thirty years to the point that the traditional methods used for training service personnel are becoming cumbersome and ineffective. Just as tools and service information have been updated, so must we consider adjusting the attitudes and philosophies that shape training programs and instructional technique, In the gas utility business, instructors were usually chosen because of their prowess in solving technical problems. Many times they were thrust into a classroom environment ill prepared for the task of teaching todays varied labor force. Instructors need professional assistance in determining technique, task analysis, and writing course objectives. Existing basic progressive courses need restructuring to achieve the optimum results desired in an adult learning environment.

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