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Title: Insulating Polymer Concrete For LNG Impounding Dikes
Author: Jack J. Fontana, Meyer Steinberg
Source: American Gas Association 1986
Year Published: 1986
Abstract: An insulating polymer concrete (IPC) composite has been developed under contract to the Gas Research Institute for possible use as a dike insulation material at Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) storage facilities. In the advent of an LNG spill into the impounding dike area, the boiloff rate of ihe LNG can be substantially reduced if the surfaces of the dike are insulated. This increased safety at Ihe LNG facility will tend to reduce the hazardous explosive mixture with atmosphere air in the surrounding region. The dike insulation material must have a low thermal conductivity and be unaffected by environmental conditions, The IPC composites developed consist of perlite or glass nodule aggregates bound together as a closed cell structure with a polyester resin. In addition to low thermal conductivity and porosity, these composites have correspondingly high strengths and, therefore, can carry transient loads of workmen and maintenance equipment. Prefabricated IPC panels have been installed experimentally, and at least one utility is currently considering a complete installation at its LNG facility.

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