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Title: Gas Control Planning Of Temperature Dependent Operations
Author: Allan D. Nelson, Suresh N. Bhat
Source: American Gas Association 1970
Year Published: 1970
Abstract: Northern Natural Gas Company operates an underground storage reservoir located near Redfield, Iowa. Northerns supply area is mainly in the Southwest-New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas. However, a large share of the market area is in Minnesota and other northern states. The storage reservoir, being considerably closer to the market area than the supply area, facilitates meeting the contract demand during the cold winter months. The basic idea is to inject extra gas into the storage reservoir during the summer and withdraw during the winter. However, from an economic standpoint, the company wishes to get the reservoir full at the same time that withdrawal becomes necessary and then schedule withdrawal so that the reservoir becomes empty at the time extra gas is no longer necessary. Thus, the use of the storage reservoir adds complexity to the overall operation of the transmission system.

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