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Title: Large Capacity Displacement Meters
Author: J. H, Walters
Source: 1950 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1950
Abstract: The iIoD or steel metet is clesigned Lo operate aDCi uraiDtain its ploof at pressur.e losses corrsiderabl-v above the i! .c. usually alloed for. the smaller- domestic meter, often times ranging as high as 4 or 5 v.o. OperatiDts at high differentials, all moviDg parts must bc designed to irrsure long life all euiding and stloke limiting parbs must be rugged enough to resist deflection. cood exanlples of this strength can be founcl iD the flags and flag iilms also the tangent and valve liDks rvhich Rre made fr.orn uralleable ilon ceslings. The llag lods are of large dianeter cold-r.ollecl steel. Bear-lnt materals musl be choscn to ninimize undue real. ln some metels high-91ade seal-type l)re-lublicetecl ball bear-illgs that Iequir-e no subsequeDt lublicetion ar-e nsed, hile in others replaceRble br.oDze bushings al.e used. Diaphragm assemblies mLlst also be so constructed IL) lrit

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