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Title: Y2K Impact On The Gas Industry
Author: Cindy Welch
Source: 1999 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1999
Abstract: THE SKY IS FALLING! THE SKY IS FALLING! This reflects some of the statements overheard when the subject of the Year 2000 is introduced. Calm down. Dont panic. The sky is not falling, there is no comet hurtling at the earth and the Year 2000 will not be the end of civilization as we know it. Progressing into the 21st century is a manageable opportunity. Yes, an opportunity. In the words of a great philosopher, luck is the wisdom to recognize opportunity and the preparedness to act upon it. Here is the opportunity now, all you need is the preparedness. Preparedness requires a Y2K Project Team that is unforgiving in its quest for information. This information must be organized and managed precisely. There will be some stumbling blocks, but what project doesnt have obstacles? The greatest task for any Y2K Project Team is to identify the critical components and minimize the risk they may pose to personal safety or to staying in business.

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