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Title: Recycling Of Mercury-Contaminated Equipment
Author: Scott D. Reed, Carrie A. Berard,
Source: American Gas Association 1994
Year Published: 1994
Abstract: Mercury is considered a highly toxic material. High exposure to mercury vapors can adversely affect the nervous system with typical symptoms ranging from irritability, gum inflammation and insomnia to memory loss and constricted visual fields. What makes mercury so unique and dangerous is that mercury vaporizes at room temperature and absorbs quickly into porous surfaces and materials. The Occupation and Safety Health Administration (OSHA) permissible exposure level to mercury is O.lOmg/m over an eight hour period. Quantities as low as 1 mL can contaminate millions of cubic feet of air to excess levels.1 Unfortunately, gas utilities are just now becoming aware of how extensive a mercury problem exists on their systems.

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