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Title: Sonic Nozzles-A Viable Means Of Proof Testing Gas Meters In The Shop
Author: Paul F. Giglio
Source: American Gas Association 1982
Year Published: 1982
Abstract: There have been several people wilhin the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation who were involved with the development of using sonic nozzles to productively shop test gas meters. However. Mr. Sam Fini, the former Manager of the Meier and Laboratory Facilities Department retired December, 1981), is unquestionably the reason for its implementation. His farsightedness in recognizing the potential of sonic nozzles wilh regard to testing gas meters, and his tenacity toward the design and construction of a workable model, is the primary reason for Niagara Mohawks development of a Gas Meter Shop Sonic Nozzle Test Facility. 1 am confident that without his direction and guidance a Sonic Nozzle shop testing facility would have been eventually constructed. However, his desire to improve the stale of the art, obviously made it happen faster.

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